Justice L Narasimha Reddy of the AP High Court has declared veteran Telugu actor Akkineni Nageswara Rao's alleged surrendering of 25 cres surplus land in Nuzividu of Krishna district as invalid and directed the authorised officer of the land reforms department to hand over this land to ANR's relative Akkineni Venkataratnam immediately. Delivering the judgment on a petition filed by Venkataratnam, the judge said the government is free to take over the actor's share of 25 acres which fell on the southern side. The petitioner challenged the takeover of his land under the guise of ANR's surplus land saying that the family settlement deed gave the surrendered 25 acres which fell on the northern side to him and not to the actor. A Giridhara Rao, government pleader for revenue, objected to the petitioner's dissent at this stage and raised doubts about his intentions as to why he kept quite for 12 years and challenged it in 2008 when the surrender was effected in 1996 itself. The agony for the government is doubled because it spent huge amounts on levelling this land for the purpose of constructing sports stadium, hostel buildings and driving test tracks in this land ever since it was vested with them after the actor surrendered this land. As per this judgment, the state government has to now surrender this southern share of 25 acres and the authorities have to hand over the levelled northern share to Venkataratnam.
(Courtesy: Times Of India )
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