Friday, October 30, 2009

Srija about her dad

Before hitting headlines by marrying Sirish Bharadwaj, the name Srija, the younger daughter of Chiranjeevi was known to very few people. But, with her marriage, she became a symbol of the aspirations and tastes of youth. In an interview, given to a leading news paper, Srija told following things about her father:

  • Among his movies, ‘Daddy’ is my favorite movie, in which he plays the role of a father and the story is similar to my personal life.
  • During my childhood, he was always very busy with his films. He used to return home late in the night.
  • I used to attend various functions with him.
  • He never discussed with us about movies. He did not want me to become an actor and wanted me to lead a normal life as a house wife.

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